Last week I started a summer school course here at the University of Idaho. I figure since it would only cost $35 to take a University Course, I should take advantage of it while I'm here. So, I'm take a History/Film Course on the films of Oliver Stone! It's not nearly as easy as that Sports in Film class at Chico, but I'm enjoying it just as much.

The down side to all of this, VERY long days. work for 8 hours then class for 3 hours, then reading and writing for the class. Good thing its only 4 weeks!
Didn't Oliver Stone make the movie, "The Doors?" Sounds like a lot of fun! I would love to take an enrichment course -- but wouldn't want to be held accountable for actually doing the homework. :-)
Niki - so very jealous of the film class you are taking. I miss taking those types of classes in school. I hope you enjoy it!
He did make 'The Doors', we watched it last week. Homework's not to bad, just three 3 page critiques. But yeah I'm really enjoying, reminds me of all I learned at Chico.
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