My cousin Amber got married in Dahlonega, GA on 11/13/2010. Mom and I flew out to GA on 11/10 (super early in the morning!) and got to spend a great weekend with family. The wedding was held at a resort where a lodge had been rented out for the wedding attendees. Friday night was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, and in true family tradition, my 3 Aunts and I got everything set up for dinner! Then the ceremony and reception were Saturday. Amber's husband is in the music business and makes electronic music and he also DJs. He travels around the world doing this and has been pretty successfull. After the reception there was a drum circle at the lodge. It was really fun listening to all the very musical people playing and grooving. I decided not to join in since I have a rough time carrying any sort of tune or beat. :-)

Mom and I at the wedding.

On Sunday we went and explored Amicalola Falls. There was a short hike up to the beautiful falls. And the fall colors where AMAZING!

Loved the Fall Colors!
So, now I've driven through rural Georgia. There were all these little churches. And each church had its own cemetary surronding it. I haven't seen that much where I grew up.
We are just a day before Thanksgiving today and Mike and I will be celebrating with my Mom, Ryan and our neighbor Nita and her daughter Lila. Nita's in law school here and her home is in New Mexico, only she couldn't go back for Thanksgiving. It should be a day filled with relaxation, football, and yummy food! Happy Thanksgiving Ya'all!