Woo Hoo! I am now employed again! I start Monday in the benefits office of the University of Idaho. I think my official title is a 'Benefit Services Technician'. It's so funny because I actually applied for this position the first week of September. When I never heard anything I figured I wasn't up for the position. Then two weeks ago I get a phone call and an email asking me to come in for an interview this past Thursday. I interviewed with the benefits staff, environmental services, facilities, and payroll people, all for this one job. It was a little intimidating.
I got the impression during my interview that things went well and sure enough yesterday afternoon, they called and offered me the position starting Monday! At the highest starting pay rate for the position!! It's still a bit of a pay cut from what I was used to, but really we moved up here knowing that cost of living was lower and that I would be making a lower wage so I'm fine with it.
For 7+ years now I've worked on the insurance broker side of the business, now I'm moving over to the employer side. I'm pretty excited about that. I think it will present a whole new set of challenges, and opportunities.
What did we do to celebrate? Well, since I haven't had a proper paycheck in like 4 months, we plan on celebrating after the holidays, after we get a couple of paychecks!